Is there one of those obnoxious Emoticons showing the rolling of eyes? I'm sure there is. Yesterday, as I drove past the old building, I saw that the door was open and the landlord's Cause and Origins guy was there, whom I'd met and worked with over a MONTH ago! I thought it was a Done Deal, as to the cause of the fire, as did my Public Adjuster. But now MY insurance company has sent in their OWN guy, who is working with the landlord's C&O guy! How over-the-top and put-too-fine-a-point-on-it is THAT? It's been FIVE WEEKS!
I GET it--the insurance companies have a bunch of lawyers working to do EXACTLY that, as lawyers are wont to do.
Anyway. We are working hard to be open Monday, but we won't have a working credit card processing machine until later that day or maybe the next, or maybe later in the week. I don't truly know. We have SOME frame corner samples that were delivered today, with more coming tomorrow and many more due--hopefully!--Monday! We are still waiting for our mat cutter, which won't fall until Tuesday, and then we have to wait until Wednesday for help to set that up and the glass cutter. Today, we picked up a frame chopper, which was DONATED! Thank you, Connie! Glad to help you out and get it out of your basement!
So I guess that means our "soft" opening won't happen until later that week...
We have the go-ahead for our planned signs. I just have to drop off the signed permit tomorrow with the $20 check to the city Planning Department. Elaine went to the Design Review Board meeting last night, as I was tied up with Jim McAllister's "Roast." She reported twenty minutes later that the Planning Department and the Design Review Board had not approved our signage and one other as quickly EVER BEFORE! Some kind of record...
I understand, as I 'm a sort of person who likes to leave as little as possible disturbed where ever I go. Though I have purple hair, I try to "fit in" where possible. I'm not a Radical, just an eyebrow raiser. I saw what the other tenants had for signage, thought of our fugitiveness in that space, and said--this is enough! Nothing fancy.
Look for more improvements as the weeks progress.
The Art Corner
231 Washington St
Salem, MA 01970
RE-OPENING JUNE 2! Open M-Sat, 9-5, except June 7, open until 3. GO, Big Brown!