Location: salem, Massachusetts, United States

Thursday, November 10, 2005

WFNX Radio!


The ART Corner advertises on WFNX, 101.7 on your FM dial! It's especially exciting for my hubbie and me, because we were married the same year FNX went on-air! And we LISTEN to FNX! It's the BEST!

Today, the sales rep offered us a great deal to match our ad campaign so far. FNX does its "100 Gifts of FNX-Mas" every holiday season and the ART Corner will be featured this year! We're going to frame 10 promotional posters for FNX, of different featured rock artists, and FNX will give those framed posters away as part of those "100 Gifts." How cool is that?

And we're NOT going to short-sheet those posters; we'll frame them to look their BEST! You won't be sorry to hang that Prize rock poster on your wall, believe me!

AND FNX will LINK to this site for the promotion! (I guess I'm gushing, but it is SO much fun to be working with FNX! If you come into the store, you may HEAR the ads we've put on the radio station because we have a copy of the cd in our cd player, which plays randonly through-out the day. It's great fun!)

Tomorrow, I will talk of butterflies and bugs, so BE PREPARED!!

Thanks for reading,

The ART Corner
264 Washington Street
Salem, MA. 01970


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