We FINALLY renovated the backroom! Here are pics of the process. (I WISH I had had the foresight to photograph the backroom as it had been for the past--oh!--twenty-something-years)
Needless to say, the walls were FILTHY with cigarette smoke stains, sawdust, and AGE! Erin, Justin and I spent two days cleaning before we put paint to walls!
F'gedda-abowdit when I talk of hanging the new shelves and TRYING to find wall studs! My Stud Finder would signal a stud, then the screw would sink in and spin as if grabbing nothing. No Signal, and the screw would grab to the point the electric drill wouldn't bury the screw to the proper depth and we'd have to--grunt and groan!--screw in the screw by hand!
The new shelves, however, are much more roomy than the old ones. It's going to take a while before they are filled, if I ALLOW that!
Looky: before and after!
The After pictures include a hint of what we will do with the newly-cleaned-off walls in the backroom: an Employee Favorite Picture Gallery! We have to work there every day; we might as well enjoy it! So we have our favorite photos hanging on the walls. Like Kitties and Doggies, and anything else that sets our "Cute" signals flashing!
Any suggestions?
The ART Corner
264Washington Street
Salem, ma 01970