This arrived at our doorstep on Friday. Here Chuck is tearing into the box!
This was revealed:
Justin and I started cutting away the wrapping...

And we have a new UNDERPINNER! This pneumatic machine allows us to put together securely the four corners of your frame! I'm gleeful because once we build a table to accomodate it and get the compressor hooked up to it, I won't have to drive up to Manchester-by-the-Sea anymore! We can do all your framing in so much less time!

And we have a new UNDERPINNER! This pneumatic machine allows us to put together securely the four corners of your frame! I'm gleeful because once we build a table to accomodate it and get the compressor hooked up to it, I won't have to drive up to Manchester-by-the-Sea anymore! We can do all your framing in so much less time!
The Art Corner
231 Washington Street
Salem, MA 01970