Here are the new signs and the new flowers in front: I'm PROUD of those signs: I painted them MYSELF! I said, "Why should I pay someone to make them, when I am perfectly capable
of doing it myself?" I really like the "cascading" frame effect in the window, too! At first, I thought the new signs would draw TOO MUCH attention to themselves--(as if THAT would be a problem! Hee, hee!)--because of their SIZE, but once they were in place, the "immediate" size was minimal. It's one thing to have them next to you; it's entirely a different matter to have them mounted on the store front.
I like the yellow mums throughout. Brings continuity. The pink mums in the window boxes got bugs. Ugh! I sprayed these new-comers with insecticide as I planted them, so hopefully, they will thrive.
The ART Corner
264 Washington Street
Salem, MA, 01970